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My art life started from this page. And It is also a beginning of the road decorated with 'no'. It was made when I was in the comics club in the middle school. The teacher in charge saw this canvas and brought it to the teachers' office, happily announcing it is the pride of the club.
Minutes later, a friend told me what he saw while I was gone to the bathroom. The teacher who came back taunted my work in raging fury. It seems she overlooked what was on the canvas itself, which was the only thing that she saw, because I wrote the texts in bad English. Then she got a strange reaction from the other teachers when she proudly presented the canvas.
The content comes from deep-seated hatred. It is hard to call it a story, which a child kills his father. But it is also a pure and vivid piece. Hostile reactions about styles or contents like this wasn't much different elsewhere, even after I went to art schools. Because of that, development and improvement are slowed down, I was busy to find my justification that doesn't actually exist.